Monday, October 8, 2007

I think I have a problem...

Just updated the Lust List and I have a problem... It does appear I am addicted to cardigans, and Rowan patterns.

Actually I think the bigger problem is not enough money to buy all the yarn and not enough time to knit all these


Not much progress on Martha, 'tis taking so long!!! Damn 4 ply. I cant face any more of her at the moment so I have started Branching Out . Finding the technical side of it ok, though I am bugged that I can't seem to remember the pattern repeats, and I can't 'read' it, so to speak. I need to refer to the pattern for every stitch. I'm sure lace will get easier as I knit more of it.

Will have some photos of Branching Out in a few days

1 comment:

BertandFelix said...

I know what you mean by Rowan. I am a big fan too for quite a while. I think it has jaded me a little bit when I look at other patterns.

Right now I am knitting Luigi out of Magazine number 36.